As a photographer, I love behind the scenes images because they show a side to the creative process that is seldom seen but always necessary. 
A stellar photo shoot is not possible without a stellar team and I was fortunate enough to work with an amazing team of local artists for this fall inspired fashion and beauty shoot.
I was also able to experience something that I have never done before-actually, three things that I have never done before:
First, I photographed a shoot for a major publication not only as the photographer but as a model. I have quite a few self portrait sessions under my belt but the pressure was on for this shoot as we had an ambitious schedule, a full team, and a (gulp) time limit. I really had to wear all my hats for this shoot but the experience really taught me a lot about changing direction and following my intuition as an artist. Which brings me to experience number 2: I am an internationally published photographer however, this will be my first publication as a published model. Fun, right? And last but certainly not least, I have never, ever, ever in my entire life worn a designer dress with high end hair and makeup while shooting on set! I had eyelashes on, y'all. The works! I don't think that I will ever look and feel that fabulous while photographing on set ever again. Lightning doesn't strike twice, right? I guess we will see. It was a wonderful experience to look and feel that beautiful while doing the work that I love so much. It is something that I will never forget.
But the dress......
The emerald green velvet by Chiara Boni’ felt as if someone had poured me into thick velvet chocolate. Paired with my navy Nicholes by Aldo, I felt like I was equipped to conquer the world with each well placed tiny step. This dress was not made for dancing but it would definitely keep you warm on a cold winter's night while sipping warm bourbon by the fire place-and by that I mean your fireplace. Unless of course you do decide to go out, then stay stylish and safe with one of the handmade glitter masks created by Blue Betties seen in the Beauty spread. And no, I am not a brand ambassador. I just really want you to support these amazing artists!
By the way, the emerald dress by Chiara Boni’ is available for purchase at Julian Gold for $695. And I can tell you, it was the most fabulous dress I have every worn!
All jokes aside, this experience was incredible and the team we had was phenomenal. I am looking forward to what's to come.
Special thanks to San Antonio Woman Magazine for trusting in our artistic visions.
Below, you will find some of my favorite behind the scenes shots. 
The Shoot
Photos courtesy of Cathleen Lane, Editor-in-Chief of San Antonio Woman Magazine, Model Kathleen Day, & Vignette Portraits 
The Artists: 
Photographer: Nina A Padilla of Vignette Portraits 
Creative Director:  Miriam Jesaijes of Every Day Scarf Organic
Colleen Quirk
Location: Julian Gold
Learn more about the looks here.
Hair and Makeup Artist: Stephanie Eiland with Pineapple House Beauty
"It was an honor modeling for this shoot. Several members of the production team and model Mia Isabella and I are all professional friends and colleagues. So it was such a natural at home feeling all in all. And always so inspiring working with an all-female group of business women. My handsome fiancé was happy to do the driving and is my business manager so having his input after about how fabulous the hair and makeup work turned out was an even bigger boost."

Light Tests & First Shots
Some of my favorite images have come from light tests and first shots created during the set up of a shoot. The subject is usually still relaxed and not "on" or as aware of the camera yet which most times results in organic expression. Light tests sometimes yield happy surprises with an image or create lighting inspirations for me that I might use at a later time for another shoot. Whatever the happenstance, the unique and candid moments of a first shot or a light test rarely disappoint but are almost impossible to duplicate. Believe me, I've tried! 
Here are some of my favorite light test and first shot moments from this shoot.
The Artists:
Photographer: Nina A Padilla 
Models: Taylor Lane 
Julia Wesman
Taylor Lane, First Shot
Taylor Lane, First Shot
Vanessa Grant, First Shot
Vanessa Grant, First Shot
Kathleen Day, First Shot
Kathleen Day, First Shot
Taylor Lane, Light Test
Taylor Lane, Light Test
Taylor Lane & Julia Wesman, Light test
Taylor Lane & Julia Wesman, Light test
Taylor Lane, Light Test
Taylor Lane, Light Test
Taylor Lane, Light Test
Taylor Lane, Light Test

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